DEPRECATED as YouTube has shut down the editor. Sign up to Patreon. Head to the shared Google Drive. Download copies of assets. Or, just use a video-download tool and pull the playlists below off YouTube. You'll have to edit video on your computer rather than just using a web browser as was once possible. If you're in the Apple ecosystem and trying to edit on an iPad or space-limited SSD Mac then contact me for access to an iCloud share.
Your very first step... ...then choose a Playlist containing remixable pieces, which can be used to construct your custom video.

Here are some simple ones... ...and advanced ones which are smaller pieces or without any music... keeping open at least 2 browser tabs, one tab running YouTube Editor, and other(s) showing any Playlist of remixable components, you now can assemble your very own custom edit, hosted on your very own YouTube channel, under your complete control!
The trick to using Playlists and Editor together, is to right-click on Playlist entires and "Copy link address". Then paste (CTRL-V) that URL into Editor's video search field. That is how the organization provided by these playlists can be leveraged by Editor.
If you have already watched "Thorium" the 6.5h (387 minute) documentary referred to here as "THORIUM 2016", then open the Google Spreadsheet contaning a transcript. You can use "Find in Sheet" (CTRL-F) to search for timecode containing spoken words or phrases you are trying to locate.
Kilowatts scored these Thorium videos. Please give him credit in your YouTube video Description field or on-screen.
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