All systems go!
New Kunaki packaging for direct propagation to libraries. Insert card includes movie meta-data and explanation that THORIUM REMIX 2011 is free for public libraries. Hopefully a copy can arrive at any public library's Circulation Manager's desk, and they'll consider adding it to their catalog. Feel free to try this yourself, just let me know what library you've sent it to so I can check in later to see if it is in circulation.
Shortly after hitting front page of Reddit (thanks Tememachine!), THORIUM REMIX 2011 is now most popular YouTube video about thorium, at 118,623 views. Also, I was lucky enough to get to edit Kirk Sorensen's latest Google Tech Talk: "The Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor: Why Didn't This Happen (and why is now the right time?)"
iTunes or not, the YouTube edit is now public! Will see if can fund THORIUM REMIX 2012 via THORIUM REMIX 2011 DVD sales. Maybe director's cut will make it onto iTunes... maybe it won't. Apparently "lecture videos" are not allowed. Except for An Inconvenient Truth, that is.
Component list on website complete. Last bottlenecks are: waiting on distribution processeses. Would really like to see this on iTunes.
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